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There are currently 8 terms in this directory beginning with the letter M.

Italian for “My Lady”. A name given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially when she is depicted holding the Christ Child.

(verb) to be legal, effectual, binding, authoritative, valid; (noun) prestige, authority, control, power, influence, status, spiritual power, charisma - mana is a supernatural force in a person, place or object. Mana goes hand in hand with tapu, one affecting the other. The more prestigious the event, person or object, the more it is surrounded by tapu and mana. Mana is the enduring, indestructible power of the atua and is inherited at birth; the more senior the descent, the greater the mana. The authority of mana and tapu is inherited and delegated through the senior line from the atua as their human agent to act on revealed will. Since authority is a spiritual gift delegated by the atua, the person remains the agent, never the source of mana.

(noun) hospitality, kindness, generosity, support — the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.

(noun) traditional meeting place of the Māori people.

(noun) knowledge, wisdom, understanding, skill.

(noun) peace.

(noun) to evangelise, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed.

(noun) grandchildren, grandchild — child or grandchild of a son, daughter, nephew, niece, etc.; descendant.